Working Papers The school no longer needs to provide your working papers! They can be signed by your parent or guardian. Please fill out the second form by using your Request for Child Labor paper issued by the employer.
At the Elementary level a student's ALMA account contains their bio information, attendance records and access to student report cards.
At the Middle School, High School, HTC, a student's ALMA account contains a students bio info, attendance records, grades, assignments, report cards and more.
To access ALMA, click on the link above that corresponds with the school your child attends. Sign in with your username & password.
If you do not remember your user name/password or have never logged in to ALMA please call your student's school and they will be able to help you access this information.
If you have more than 1 child in the Laconia School District you will only need 1 set of credentials to access all of your students' ALMA accounts. Simply choose one of the schools your student attend and use your username and password to access all their information.
If you are unable to view all of your students through 1 account, please call our IT office at 603-5245-3350 ext. 4026 and we will gladly help you to consolidate your accounts.